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Wednesday 3rd September, 7.15-10.30pm

Trafford Gardeners Evening

This popular event will be held at a different venue this year: Flixton Ex-Servicemen’s Club (John Alker Club, Flixton Road). It includes “A Light Hearted Look at Gardening”, a talk by Bill Blackledge. Gardeners Questions will be tackled by Bill, Frank Ashton and John Steedman.

Monday 8th September

Giant Sunflower Competition

Judging and measuring of sunflowers will take place during the plot Inspection

Friday 31st October, 6.00pm


Around the Hoe Down

We enjoyed last year’s event so much we want to do it again. Entry will be limited to 80 people and strictly by ticket only.

Adults £1.50, children £1.00

Your ticket will entitle you to soup, a hot dog, baked potato and cake! However, this year extra food will be available to buy at a small cost.

Tuesday 28th October 2.30pm at St Mary’s Church

“Widely as His Mersey Flows” - a talk with slides by Hugh Begg

Please come along and support our second talk this season. This is free to members but friends may come for a small charge.